Kinde - Email and SMS delivery – Incident details

Email and SMS delivery

Partial outage
Started 2 months agoLasted about 3 hours


US region

Partial outage from 5:05 PM to 8:01 PM, Operational from 8:01 PM to 8:13 PM

Email delivery

Partial outage from 5:05 PM to 8:01 PM, Operational from 8:01 PM to 8:13 PM

SMS delivery

Partial outage from 5:05 PM to 8:01 PM, Operational from 8:01 PM to 8:13 PM

  • Update

    An alert was raised with the Kinde support team regarding delayed emails for US region customers. It was identified that a task consumed all available workers concurrently and prevented emails from being delivered in a timely manner due to the backlog. To fix the immediate issue, the faulty task was killed and all undelivered time sensitive emails were expired. The team will implement stricter quality of service queues for email delivery and segregate the high resource usage tasks to prevent delays due to unrelated tasks.

  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Monitoring
    We implemented a fix and are currently monitoring the result.
  • Update

    We are still looking into the email sending issue. We will update no later than 20:30UTC

  • Investigating
    We are currently investigating this incident.